The Journey Continues...
Google Summer of Code 2008 is coming close to a finish. But I feel I just started my journey through the Open Source path. The true value of summer of code for a student is neither the project nor the money but getting engaged with the open source community for coming years. Working with the vibrant OpenMRS community is a pleasure; I want to be with them in the future.
For those who are wondering why I still haven’t announced an official release of my module - it's because there is still some work in progress, which is necessary before doing a release. Currently, SVN has a working copy of the note editor, and anyone can try that. But before announcing the project myself, I want to add the note-type functionality using concept sets. Another point is that, at last, I have decided to use Fck Editor instead of Tiny MCE as it provides a built-in file/image upload subsystem and more options.