Google Summer of Code, Once Again
I have participated in this year's Google Summer of Code. This was my second summer of code. This time, I am working on a project for Mifos and my mentor is John Woodlock. Coincidentally, we both are currently living in Melbourne. I worked on a project to improve the separation of business logic from the presentation layer of the Mifos code base. You can check this GSOC introduction and wrap-up posts in the Mifos blog.
A New Chapeter
It's been a long since I last posted to this blog. From my last post to this post, many things are changed. I am married now. I am a student again. I left my job in March 2009 and started an MS by Research at Monash University Gippsland Campus at Churchill in Victoria, Australia. My nephew Fahad was born on 3rd June 2009; Micheal Jackson died a few days ago. So many things happened in the last couple of months.
The Journey Continues...
Google Summer of Code 2008 is coming close to a finish. But I feel I just started my journey through the Open Source path. The true value of summer of code for a student is neither the project nor the money but getting engaged with the open source community for coming years. Working with the vibrant OpenMRS community is a pleasure; I want to be with them in the future.
Me, Google Summer of Code 2008 and OpenMRS
I have been accepted into the Google Summer of Code 2008 program to work on a project for OpenMRS. This summer, I will be working to create a Patient Note Writer module, which will allow adding rich text observations in appropriate places/pages of the OpenMRS application. OpenMRS is an open-source medical record system framework for developing countries. Getting accepted in programs like Summer of Code is always lovely, and working for an Organization with a great cause is even more exciting. So, I am expecting an exciting summer with OpenMRS. I am also hoping to see OpenMRS deployed in Bangladesh in the future.